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Whole School Nurture Overviews
(Croke Park Hours)

Facilitated as face-to-face or online sessions and, usually, during Croke Park Hours.

Our Whole School Nurture Overviews are facilitated as face-to-face (ideally) or online sessions and, usually, during Croke Park Hours. These sessions can be designed in two ways - according to the needs of your school:

(A) As an introduction to nurture practice for the whole staff, as you begin your nurture journey in your school.

(B) To explore spreading nurture practice across all classes and across the whole school.

Nurture Overviews can be of any length between 1 and 3 hours.

Schools often join other local schools for these sessions, thus creating a nurturing community and developing collegiality and communities of practice.

These sessions can be combined with a Bespoke Nurture Consultation, in order to make the most of the facilitator's visit to your school on the day.

To enquire about one of these Nurture Overview Sessions, and/or a Bespoke Nurture Consultation please email us at:

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We would be happy to set up a call with you to discuss your school's requirements.